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At the Pell-Personal Training for the Stage Combatant

Want to know how you can develop your physical skills as a actor/combatant? Then this is the blog for you. With each blog I will post written or video training suggestions for the Actor/Combatant. My goal is to prepare your body to fire on all cyllindars in act V, have the endurance to play Hamlet 5 nights a week and twice on Sunday, and showase that perfect lunge for the cameras or mom in the front row. My program, the Trident Training System, was created for the performer with limited money, resources, and equipment, to address the physical needs of an actor/combatant which most personal training programs neglect. Its also a plug and play program specifially geared for each individual based on immediate needs, which grows and develops with the individual. Look good, feel great and become the Actor/Combatant you always knew you could be!!

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